The band enjoyed a ‘Chicago’ period with three horns including a trombone and a trumpet player. There were other horny moments, before and after, but with Denny and Bill in the horn section, the group was strong and cocky. Joe was still there on guitar, still adding punch to the rhythm, still struggling on lead.
We played at the Continental Safari, a place intended to be Pennsylvania’s answer the Latin Casino in Jersey where Frank Sinatra sang. I guess our engagement at the Safari tells you something about how that worked out.
We enjoyed the private dressing rooms and the spacious stage. “25 or 6 to Four” was a popular Chicago song that required a guitar solo. With our expectation of continuing mediocrity and without any warning to the contrary, Joe played an incredible solo. The entire band fell hush for a split second, hesitating in amazement before catching up. I remember looking at Joe during his solo. He returned my look, both of us equally stunned and unable to explain.
There were many Late Entre moments when somebody would exceed the boundaries of expectations. I was happy Joe had his…