I have been blessed with so many uncles. Uncle Herbie is one. As a youth, he was considered a protégé and rightly so, a gifted violinist. I have been told that he had a youthful experience with records, recordings of classical pieces called ‘Music Minus One’. In those days, he had to crank up the Victrola so those 78’s would play and he could add his part. Of course, he did this in the comfort of his living room. OK, maybe it’s possible to work up a sweat with Wagner. Whatever…

Uncle Herbie went on to success in the Indianapolis and St. Louis Symphonies. We had a conversation once about the difference between jazz and classical musicians. I believed there to be a difference. Uncle Herbie believed otherwise and he told a story to support his side of our discussion…

The St. Louis Symphony was having internal issues and was called to a meeting to ‘clear the air’. The concert master said, “OK, who called the first violinist a ‘son of a bitch’?” Somewhere from the back of the meeting hall, somebody yelled, “Who called that ‘son of a bitch’ a violin player?”…Hearty laughter ensued and the issue dissolved in the unique humor that musicians share no matter what the venue…

So, I learned. I am humbled and flattered to know I have a common bond with the great genius’s then and now throughout musical history. Would they agree its all because of the chicks?…

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